When choosing between worktop edge styles, you’ll want to consider the material of your worktops, the size and style of your kitchen and your price range.
• Certain worktop materials may not be able to accommodate all edge styles. Quartz worktops edge profiles are usually the most diverse, since quartz is durable and can handle even the most intricate edge designs. Laminate worktop edge options tend to be more limited. Ask your worktop manufacturer which types of worktop edges are possible for your worktop material.
• If you have a large, spacious kitchen, most worktop edges will look at home. However, if you have a smaller kitchen, or a kitchen with tight corners, you may want to choose a subtle edge profile. You should be able to move around worktop corners without bumping into them.
• Ornate worktop edges such as ogee edges fit in with traditional style kitchens, while simpler edges like square or beveled edges better suit contemporary kitchens. While there are no hard and fast rules about which edge is best for which style, it’s important to consider the overall look of your kitchen.
• Naturally, a very detailed worktop edge usually costs more than a simple edge. As with any purchase, keep your budget in mind.
• Worktop edges for laminate worktops are a separate piece attached with adhesive. You may not have to replace all your worktops to drastically change your kitchen’s appearance. You can instead add a new edge to your current laminate worktops.

Eased edges are great for small kitchens, tight corners and narrow walkways. They have slightly rounded corners for safety and comfort, while still having flat, unobtrusive sides. Eased edges are a popular and inexpensive choice for modern or traditional kitchens. They work with any worktop material, and their rounded edges help prevent chipping.
If you like the subtlety of eased edges but want an even more modern and streamlined look, consider square edges. Although often grouped together with eased edges, this simple style has a straight, 90-degree edge that’s less rounded than true eased edges. While most striking in a contemporary kitchen, square edges can fit any project decor. Square edges are compatible with any worktop material and are cost-effective. Note that square edges can be more prone to chipping than eased edges.

Beveled edges are marked by their sharp 45-degree angle. This cut makes for a well-defined border that frames the worktop while maintaining an elegant finish.
There are many variations of beveled edges. You can opt for a 1/4 bevel or a more defined 1/2 bevel. You can also have just the top edge beveled or have both the top and bottom edges beveled. This edge isn’t much more expensive than the above styles, making it a popular option for many types of work surfaces.

Ogee edges feature an elegant “S” shape whose curves can vary from subtle to dramatic. These edges are popular for natural stone worktops, but they can also be achieved with high-quality laminate surfaces as well. Since this edge adds extra depth to your worktop, it’s best for larger projects.
A double ogee edge has the same shape but with an extra curve. The ogee edge is more difficult to create, so it is one of the more expensive edge styles. Dramatic curves or a double ogee edge can make this style more costly.

Bullnose edges are curved along the top and bottom for an even finish. They are universally flattering for virtually any kitchen and are one of the most popular granite worktop edges, although they work well with any worktop material. Bullnose edges are also great worktop edges for laminate, since they can make the laminate seem solid and more luxurious. The soft finish of this style offers a sophisticated touch that is both safe for kids and easy to clean.
If a bullnose edge isn’t possible for your laminate worktops, consider a crescent edge. A crescent edge is a laminate worktop edge that mimics the look of bullnose edges with a slightly less dramatic curve.

Half bullnose edges, or demi-bullnose edges, have the delicate curve of a bullnose edge and a flat bottom. The soft, rounded top makes this edge a good choice for project of any size.
These edges look best in traditional kitchens and when paired with stone worktops. While full bullnose edges will make a worktop look thinner, half bullnose edges will make it look thicker.

- Custom worktop edges can be designed and fabricated to your unique style.
- Our project design experts can work with you to create custom worktops that complement your space while also making a statement.
- Custom edges are recommended as a finishing touch for luxury and upscale project renovations.
- When choosing granite worktops, consider a custom rock face or chiseled edge that exposes the raw stone to give your project a rustic and natural feel.